Investment Process & Belief
Letting numbers do the talking about the DNA of our investee companies

- We are students of the mind of the management. Our focus is on cash flow of companies – weaving qualitative aspects of business into discounted cash flow valuation
- We do not invest in a company if there is insufficient margin of safety no matter how much ‘ great’ it seems on the outside
- We offer our investors a balanced mix of good businesses with quality management and turn-around companies available at a great value
- Return on our investment portfolio comes from:
- Depth of research and thorough methodology of arriving at our investment decisions
- Hard research-based conviction when market is yet to discover the true potential of a stock
- Our strong focus on ground research ensures we get 360-degree view of the company and thereby minimize judgment errors
- Depth of research and thorough methodology of arriving at our investment decisions
- Skin in the game – high percentage of the Chanakya fund managers’ net worth is invested along with them
- Customized individual portfolios – every portfolio does not have to mirror model portfolio
- Easy liquidity – no exit load